It's quite possible that Rob Bottin is the most overlooked and often forgotten special FX master in horror movie history. The hardcore fans out there I'm sure are thinking " Are you kidding me? The guy created the FX for John Carpenter's The Thing!" But the hardcore fan base only makes up a small percentage of special FX admirers and enthusiasts.
When someone asks who are some Hollywood special FX guys? Most likely you'll hear Tom Savini, Dick Smith, Rick Baker, Stan Winston and KNB FX. But hardly ever does anyone bring up Rob Bottin, who in my opinion has done some of the most stunning special FX work in the history of film. Bottin did live in Rick Baker's garage when he was in his twenties.
Bottin created all the special FX for John Carpenter's The Thing, the three boobs in Total Recall, the werewolfs for The Howling and a ton more.
Selected Filmography
- Piranha 1978
- The Fog 1980
- The Howling 1981
- The Thing 1982
- Legend 1985
- Robocop 1987
- Total Recall 1990
- Se7en 1995
- Fight Club 1999
- Charlie's Angels 2000
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